martes, 1 de julio de 2014

Hello fellow!

In this week's post I will tell you about a shocking photograph that has been engraved in history, and that I personally like a lot.
The picture is of an anonymous man (known as the Tank Man or Unknown Rebel) who went back internationally famous being filmed and photographed standing in front of a column of tanks during the revolt of Tiananmen Square in 1989 the PRC.
As the tanks approached him, the man remained standing alone, holding a bag in each hand.

La historia detrás del «hombre del tanque» de Tiananmen  
The image was taken on June 5, 1989 by at least three photographers from the balconies of Hotel Beijing, near Tiananmen Square: Americans Jeff Widener, for the Associated Press (AP), Charlie Cole, for Newsweek and Briton Stuart Franklin of Magnum for Time magazine. Photography Widener is one of the most recognized, and was taken with a Nikon 300 mm lens from a balcony about 200 yards from the scene.
The famous picture went around the world the same night he was taken, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 1990.

I really love this picture, despite its harshness, gives a powerful message about the strength that is hidden behind the will of a man who overcame fear, and was able be imposed on injustice with remarkable poise and courage.

Good friends hope you have enjoyed the image as much as me
xoxo :)

martes, 24 de junio de 2014

Hello mates!

In post free today I want to talk about a very enigmatic ritual, which is practiced throughout the history of man walking on fire.
 Walking barefoot on hot coals is an ancient tradition that takes place in many parts of the world to celebrate civic or religious holidays, and has gained popularity in the United States among those looking for alternative ways to revitalize the spirit.
Although coals or wood burn at a much higher than that human skin can withstand temperature, those who practice this tradition usually do not suffer injury.
Physics provides explanations that have to do with the conductivity, heat and presence of water can be illustrated by laboratory experiments but some attribute the safety of the "passage of fire" the power of the mind.
 The fire-walking has been practiced as a ritual of purification, healing, initiation and transcendence, in most of the cultures of our planet. Today this ceremony is seen as a powerful tool towards personal fulfillment and empowerment.